SSF是目前完成度最高的SEGA SS模拟器,可惜它不开源,而且不支持ISO/CUE的镜像。你要把ISO加载到虚拟光驱里以后它才能读取。当然如果你有SS的原版光盘你也可以直接运行,估计我们的这位日籍coder就是这么设想的。
SSF的设置非常复杂,好在作者也意识到这点了。所以他在option里提供了EZ setting的选项,把根据兼容性从低到高分成5档。我建议大家先从最后一档开始测试,逐级上调。这样可以达到最佳的速度和兼容性。
这次最新的SSF v0.12 beta r4有两个运行端,我不知道区别…话说这货目前连像样的图标都没有…
– corrected digital signal processing (DSP).
– fixed VDP1 drawing process.
– fixed vertical scroll cell processing.
– fixed bitmap processing of surface of revolution.
– fixed line color processing of the surface of revolution.
– fixed window treatment.
– fixed back screen processing.
– I have modified the BIOS emulation process.
— version save state data has changed.
— provided with the option to specify the number of threads VDP1 drawing.
— it can be processed in three threads maximum.
— provided with the option to be processed in a separate thread the DSP
— I’ve lost the use of the processor specified thread
— I removed the multi-thread-option of VDP2 drawing.