大灾变CDDA 0.6GIT汉化版+图形包!








* Some work to make vehicle collisions sane.
* Zombies will revive after a time, if not butchered (or otherwise dealt with).
* The Android trait now behaves the way that the description indicates.
* Gasoline can be siphoned from vehicles.
* Sewing requires materials other than thread – rags for cloth, leather patches for leather.
* Leather repair/reinforcement actually possible!
* As usual, many bugfixes.




* Some work to make vehicle collisions sane.
* Zombies will revive after a time, if not butchered (or otherwise dealt with).
* The Android trait now behaves the way that the description indicates.
* Gasoline can be siphoned from vehicles. Requires a rubber hose for now – these are easier to acquire.
* Sewing requires materials other than thread – rags for cloth, leather patches for leather.
* Leather repair/reinforcement actually possible!
* Inventory management UI improvements, and a new screen to organize worn items.
* NPCs continue to be less buggy, but are still prone to crashes.
* Weapon firing code reworked a bit. UI improvements, and you should now be able to fire at anything within range.
* Reworked the armor/protection code.
* Reworked the learning system: replaced XP with Focus. See the relevant help text.
* Added a bunch of new missions, for those who play with the shelter NPC turned on.
* Vehicle collision physics are now based on *actual* physics! Reduces collision insanity.
* As usual, many bugfixes.


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