Mesen – a new cycle accurate NES emulator


早期由于技术资料的不足,对于游戏机主机的时钟级精确模拟基本是个奢望。N年以前的我还放下过狠话,100%精确模拟是不可能的。但是2010年以后,就有那么一批技术大神,对游戏主机硬件开始芯片级的逆向工程,也就是我们国内所谓的酸洗照板技术。直接把那些原来资料缺乏的芯片,从电路实现角度扒了个干干净净。那些以前只能靠猜的CPU/VPU 指令参数,现在终于有了系统、精确的文档记录。于是,精确的模拟器也就逐渐登场了。


Mesen is a NES/Famicom emulator and NSF player. It is still a work in progress – some features are currently incomplete or may change in future versions.


  • High Accuracy – A lot of effort has gone into making Mesen as accurate as possible
  • Stand-alone – Put the Mesen application into any folder and run it from there
  • Supports: Save States, Movie/Audio Recording, Screenshots, Cheat Codes
  • Supported Mapper List (130+): 0 to 13, 15 to 19, 21 to 27, 32 to 34, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 49, 52, 57, 58, 60 to 62, 64 to 80, 82, 85 to 89, 91 to 95, 97, 99, 101, 107, 112, 113, 115, 118, 119, 137 to 141, 143 to 157, 159, 163, 164, 176, 180, 184, 185, 189, 191 to 195, 200 to 203, 205 to 207, 210, 218, 225 to 228, 230 to 232, 240 to 243, 246
  • NES and Famicom (including Famicom Disk System) support. Also supports: NSF, NSFe, VS System
  • Net Play – Play online with friends
  • Automatic updates – Mesen is able to check for updates and automatically install new versions of itself.
  • Built-in Debugger
  • Other Features: 7z/zip archive support, numerous video filters (xBRZ, Scale2x, NTSC, etc.), sound recorder, sound effects, etc.

Technical Details

  • Core built in C++ with a C# user interface.
  • Multi-threaded – Emulation, Video Filters, Rendering, Net Play and UI all run in their own threads.
  • Runs in 32-bits or 64-bits mode depending on the operating system, with the same executable file



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