好久好久没有全新的原创GBA模拟器登场了(No$GBA是在更新NDS部分,VGBA在更新金手指:P ),这个开源的mGBA 0.1.0虽然版本号很初级,但是完成度一点不低。基于GBA.js的代码历时一年半在德国NO$的马丁大神协助下用C重写了一遍。几乎完整的GBA硬件模拟,RTC时钟支持,支持原生BIOS来提高精确性,高度可移植,高效率(据测试比0跳帧下的VBA-M快30%)
Announcing mGBA
Some of the features that will be in the initial version are:
- A solid ARM7TDMI core emulator with near-full Game Boy Advance hardware emulation.
- Great emulation. Despite the fact that this is the initial version, most games work quite well, if not perfectly, already.
- Reliable savetype detection. Some games may still need work to detect saves, so please feel free to file a bug if a game does not save properly.
- Real-time clock support for the games that use the RTC.
- Custom BIOS, removing the need to use a separate BIOS file. A separate BIOS file can still be used, if desired, for additional accuracy.
- Fast. I’ve measured it at roughly 30% faster than latest VBA-M at 0 frameskip.
- Portable. It is known to compile and run on Windows Vista or newer, OS X 10.7 or newer, Linux (x86/x86-64 and ARM) and FreeBSD. Even more Unix-like platforms may work out-of-the-box.
- Additional emulation features, such as frameskip, turbo, savestates, screenshots, and video recording.
- Remappable keyboard and gamepad controls.
- Built-in support for IPS and UPS patch formats.
- A powerful GUI written in C++ using Qt.
- A simple SDL frontend when only a minimal interface is needed.
- A command-line debugger that can be used with the SDL version.
Even more features are in the works, although they aren’t quite ready for the first version:
- Link cable emulation, supporting local and network multiplayer, and Dolphin compatibility.
- Cheat code support.
- Hardware rendering with OpenGL 2+.
- Re-recording support and Lua scripting for tool-assist runs.
- A libretro core for RetroArch and OpenEmu support.
- A fully featured debug suite.
- A dynamic recompiler for even faster support on ARM platforms.
Furthermore, feature requests are welcome at this point, if you have a brilliant idea that’s not on this list. The source code is available on GitHub under the Mozilla Public License 2.0 r
比较有意思的,mGBA将移植到RetroArch libretro,这倒是我印象中第一个原生libretro模拟器(er…目前那些全是RA的几个苦逼自己憋出来的。)