MESS 0.148u3





MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New System Drivers Supported:
-Acorn Atom with BBC basic [Phill Harvey-Smith]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:

Skeleton drivers:

Software Lists:
-nimbus.xml: added two alt welcome disks [Anna Wu]

-ql: Added floppy softlist. [anonymous]

-Added some most wanted Commodore ROMs. [Martin Hoffmann-Vetter]

-pico.xml: New Japanese dumps added [TeamEurope]

-a800.xml: A couple of new cartridge additions. [K1W1]

Source Changes
-saturn: converted carts to be slot devices and enabled battery
 RAM carts support [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv: fixed support of SMD files (those with 512k header),
 broken by the recent developments. [Fabio Priuli]

-megadriv.c: removed drivers gensvp, mdsvp and mdsvpj: Virtua
 Racing can now be loaded directly in genesis, megadriv and megadrij
 [Fabio Priuli]

-a7800.c - Stripped palette to raw video output values removing YIQ/YUV
 infer data. [Robert Tuccitto]

-psxcd: simplify the cdrom [Carl]

-imd: Stop being so anal-retentive, it's counterproductive [O. Galibert]

-stop psx crashing when reloading a state when cd access was in
 progress [smf]

-c64: Added Spanish C64C variant. [The Commodore Museum]

-Makes sure the first instruction of cpe/psx/psf files will be
 executed. [smf]

-upd765: Handle modes a little more, NeXT can boot from floppy again
 [O. Galibert]

-upd7220: Add the internal rom [rfka01, balrog]

-Added skeleton S3 ViRGE video card. [Barry Rodewald]

-band aid fix for Tobal No. 1, some graphics issues remain [smf]

-snes.c: added support for the PowerFest '94 competition cart.
 [Fabio Priuli]

-a7800.c - Corrected rotation values and errors including duplicate
 entries for palette.  Address map locations for the XBOARD added to
 get the ball rolling on support for it. [Robert Tuccitto]



“MESS 0.148u3”的6个回复

  1. 从1999年我就是无声模都的fans了,自从休战后,国内已经找不到别的高水准的模拟相关的网站了,失散多年后又重逢,真是激动

    1. 哇,能看到老朋友回归,兄弟我也非常高兴哦~~时间过得真快,我们都是中年人咯。呵呵

  2. nds4droid更新了哦,这次看到了desmume-fork的东西。。。jeff多半是参考了咋咋聚聚的作品吧,而且他的更新有提到这样一个id,gechdeb。记得站长先生说过咋咋聚聚姓葛吧。。。那就八九不离十了。。。


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