Bochs v2.6.1

bochs2_6Bochs是一个跨平台的IA-32(X86)模拟器。相对于DosBox这些,Bochs可能要专业许多。Bochs目前号称已经达到了完整模拟IA-32构架的设计初衷,支持了从80386开始到奔腾4的全系Intel CPU,甚至还有一部分AMD CPU。和那些使用虚拟化技术的虚拟机VirtualBox, VMware不同,Bochs使用了纯粹的软模拟技术,不需要芯片级的硬件支持。



所以同学们想用Bochs玩游戏还是免了吧,这玩意还是用于学术用途更好点。为毛我要说这玩意呢?因为它也算著名模拟器啊。呵呵。Android上就有Bochs 2.5.1的移植版


Changes in 2.6.1 (April 7, 2013):

  - Bochs is fully aligned with rev45 of the of Intel(R) Architecture Manual.
    - Implemented Supervisor Mode Access Protection (SMAP) support
    - Implemented VMX APIC Registers Virtualization and VMX Virtual Interrupt Delivery
    - Implemented VMCS Shadowing and #VE exception secondary VMEXIT controls emulation
    - Implemented RDRAND and RDSEED instructions
  ! CPUDB: Added AMD FX-4100 (Zambezi) configuration to CPUDB
  - Bugfixes for CPU emulation correctness (critical fixes for SVM and AVX2 emulation)

- Bochs Debugger and Instrumentation
  - Use Enhanced GUI Debugger instead of old-style wx debugger with wx gui.
    The old-style wx debugger support was deprecated and removed from the source code.

- I/O Devices
  - Implemented 3dfx Voodoo Graphics card emulation based on DOSBox patch, to enable
    configure with --enable-voodoo option.
  - Hard drive / HD image
    - Added full save restore support for most of the disk image formats
    - undoable / volatile mode: added support of other types of r/o base images
    - DLL HD support rewritten and enabled for WIN32 host
  - PCI chipset
    - Implemented i430FX chipset emulation
    - USB UHCI always enabled in the i440FX case

- Config interface
  - Configure option --enable-misaligned-sse moved to runtime option in .bochsrc. The old
    option is deprecated and should not be used anymore.
  - moved 'user_shortcut' bochsrc option to the 'keyboard' option
  - save log options per device to bochsrc
  - win32: implemented scrollable dialog items for large parameter lists

- GUI and display libraries
  - Graphics snapshot feature rewritten to support all kinds of graphics modes
  - wx: starting a second simulation without closing Bochs now almost possible

- Tools
  - bxcommit: added support for converting flat to growing mode images

“Bochs v2.6.1”的6个回复

  1. 在arm平台上我们不要操作系统模拟器,我们要wine。大神们快快努力,让winmualtor那样的类wine应用更加成熟可用吧!

  2. 支持了从80386开始到奔腾4的全系Intel CPU
    的意思是 80286 (含)以下的不能模擬嗎…XD

    1. IA-32向下兼容IA-16,所以软件可以支持的吧。不过单独的IA-16 CPU Bochs的确不支持模拟哦


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