dsp-emulator 0.14b1

dsplogo这是一个毫无存在感的开源多主机模拟器,号称在2001年的时候就发表了…不好意思,单机版真没印象…dsp-emulator模拟了Spectrum、Amstrad CPC 、NES、GB/GBC、ColecoVision、Chip 8还有接近180个街机游戏(居然包括CPS1哦),有点混乱啊,是不是?
但是dsp-emulator有一个很特别的地方,它是用Pascal写成的,用Delphi & Lazarus环境进行编译。作者的理由是他认为Pascal已经足够好了,可以在奔腾级的CPU上以120%的速度运行Spectrum模拟核心…瞧瞧这志气…

What’s New!!! DSP Emulator
DSP 0.14b1 02/22/13
+ General code cleaning
– Relocation of variables (remove duplication between Delphi and Lazarus)
– Remove dependencies from ‘principal’ unit as much as possible
– Remove unnecessary compilation conditionals
– Using the palette buffer (converted to type word). Removed local drivers variables.
– In M68000 drivers, started the conversion of memory variables to word type
+ Windows:
– Updated to Delphi XE3 as basic platform compilation. Supports ZLIB, PNG and GIF natively.
– Added support of 64bits binary
+ TAP/TZX: PZX – Corrected pulse conversion and added support for large blocks of pulses
+ CPU M68000:
– Added opcode ‘STOP’
– Added opcode ‘movem.l’ addressing type
+ CPU NEC: Added more opcodes (R-Type now works)
+ Converted into classes
– All the CPUs
– Audio chips: AY8910, YM2203, OKI-6295, SN-76496, UPD7759 and VLM-5030
+ GFX:
– Improved graphics conversion routine, more speed, independent of the number of planes
– Removed some bugs in the initiation of the gfx and eliminated redundancies in the initiate of the variables
-Gun.Smoke Hardware
+ Fixed scroll
-Mysterious Stones
+ Fixed palette
-Prehistoric Isle 1930
+ Enhanced scroll, more speed
-Gaelco HW
+ Enhanced scroll, mode speed
+ Fixed sprites priorities
-Caveman Ninja HW
+ Caveman Ninja: Added protection
+ Added driver, problems with sound
-Bionic Commando
+ Added driver with sound
-WWF Super Stars
+ Added driver with sound

“dsp-emulator 0.14b1”的3个回复

  1. 程式語言不是在比誰學的比較多…


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