RetroCopy v1.00 Beta 3

本身在模拟器方面RetroCopy可以圈点的地方不多,不过它的确称得上是目前为止我见过的最奇葩的模拟器…呵呵,真的。RetroCopy有一个非常华丽的界面,这个界面已经不能算是GUI了,而是一个真正的3D虚拟现实。你在运行模拟器的时候就是在这个3D的房间里晃来晃去,最牛X的是还可以定制。RetroCopy还内建了自己的媒体播放功能,你可以像暴风影音一样用它看AV -_-0 最后说一句,RetroCopy 是一个注册商标,拥有商标的模拟器屈指可数…这么2B的模拟器怎么能不支持呢?XD

-Fixed exit button not closing RC
-Fixed log in issue on server when no avatar or package
-Fixed an issue where a keep-alive ping would happen before authentication and disconnect the user
-Fixed a crash bug that could happen on startup of game
-Fixed a crash that could appear if you shut down RetroCopy before the online thread had finished
-Stopped windows noise from happening when pressing ALT+ENTER
-Fixed issue with running emulator still allowing GUI to receive keyboard input
-Improve GUI efficiency (especially when many inputs are happening)
-Potentially fixed startup lag issue
-Added auto log in feature once successfully logged in


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