目前唯一正常开发且完成度最高的SONY PSP模拟器PPSSPP 更新到1.7。
负责任的说,因为正宗的素质实在太强,谷歌商店里除了PPSSPP/PPSSPP Gold之外的一切PSP模拟器都是PPSSPP的换皮版本,甚至连fork分支都算不上,没有任何下载使用的的价值。
- Fix for insta-crash on Galaxy Note 9, some Xiaomi devices, and the new nVidia Shield (#11441)
- Vertex range culling on most platforms, fixes DTM: Race Driver and similar (#11393)
- Major speed boost in some Gundam and Earth Defense Force games (#10973)
- Fix for issues with post processing shaders in GL 3+ (#11182)
- Fixes to sound output switching on Windows (WASAPI) (#11438)
- Detects DirectInput devices when running (#11461)
- Simple Discord integration (#11307)
- New debugging APIs (#10909)
- Task switching made a lot more robust (fixes GPD XD problems) (#11447)
- Texture decoding optimizations (#11350)
- Tons and tons of miscellaneous bugfixes and compatibility fixes
实机吃灰中,emu也没装,现在就玩玩dolphin 风之杖