大神们是不是都习惯在年底发力哈?千呼万唤就是不出来的安卓平台atari 7800模拟器来了。
开源掌机世界著名的大神Zx-81把他在Pandora/Caanoo/Dingoo/PSP上的的atari 7800模拟器移植到了安卓平台上,不过呢貌似只对应我朝厂商大某星JXD的掌机设备,纯触屏的设备能不能玩我还没测试。作为大某星的早期小白鼠,我觉得这次JXD是撞大运了。
Hi All,
ProSystem is the best emulator of Atari 7800 game console, running on Windows system.
It has been written by Greg Stanton, see Greg Stanton web site for details.
Here is a port on JXD of my Pandora port version.
I have modified the Pandora version and port it to android using the amazing framework of Pelya, a big ‘merci’ for his awesome work. See his site for more details.
我做个不负责任的预测,接下来的时间里,我们最有希望看的安卓新主机模拟器应该是NEC PC-FX和Atari Jaguar的,NEOGEO CD也应该不难,但奇怪的是一直没人做。其他的机种就难说咯,比如PS2,我看非要动用外星科技不可。当然如果MESS可以移植到android,那么,在我看来android上的模拟器基本也算圆满了。