嗯,这个免费开源的GB/GBC模拟器不是很出名,但是完成度在上次说的GB模拟器横向测评中GearBoy 0.5可以排到季军!而且根据wistaria君的说法,它的官方iOS移植版也很强!所以有兴趣的同学可以去测试一下。
- Accurate CPU emulation, passes cpu_instrs.gb from blargg’s tests.
- Accurate instruction timing, passes instr_timing.gb from blargg’s tests.
- Memory Bank Controllers (MBC1, MBC2, MBC3 with RTC, MBC5), ROM + RAM and multicart cartridges.
- Accurate LCD controller emulation. Background, window and sprites, with correct timings and priorities.
- Mix frames: Mimics the LCD ghosting effect seen in the original Game Boy.
- Sound emulation using SDL Audio and Gb_Snd_Emu library.
- Game Boy Color support.
- Integrated disassembler. It can dump the full disassembled memory to a text file or access it in real time.
- Saves battery powered RAM cartridges to file.
- Compressed rom support (ZIP deflate).
- Multi platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Raspberry Pi and iOS.
Todo List
- iOS landscape mode.
- Saving and loading game states.
- Pixel precision scan line timing (https://gist.github.com/3730564).
- Debugger.
我对GearBoy奇怪的一点就是,既然有树莓派旳移植版,却没有android的,难道作者也是歧视我大安卓咩 🙁