nds4droid release 31/32

nds4droidnew噢耶!新版的nds4droid!本次更新的最大亮点就是加入了exophase JIT引擎。虽然目前还是高度实验性的,兼容性很差,但是只要是能运行起来速度的确不错。不过要注意的是,exophase JIT的即时存档和其他引擎不兼容,而且在游戏中从其他引擎切换到exophase JIT很容易崩溃,大家自行测试。

现在nds4droid内置了四个解释器引擎。我测试下来,还是默认的threaded interpreter各方面最好。

What’s in this version:

-Release 32:
-Fixed a crash in release 31 on certain non-English language devices.
Release 31:
-Two new execution engines, exophase JIT for ARM devices and DeSmuME JIT for x86 devices. Please note that currently these engines are HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL — use at your own risk!
-Fixed a bug where ARMv6 and x86 builds didn’t include the tinycc JIT engine
-Minor performance enhancements




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