PPSSPP 0.7.6

ppsspp话说目前我大安卓(还有iOS 😛 )平台上最梦幻的模拟器非PPSSPP莫属咧,今天它推送了0.7.6。修正了女神异闻录3携带版和GTA当中出现的严重图形错误。所以这几个游戏目前基本可玩。


April 22, 2013: 0.7.6: Major compatibility fixes!

A serious bug was fixed and suddenly a ton of vexing issues just dissappeared! For example, the 3D graphics being black in Persona 3 and the large graphics errors in the two main GTA games. Those are now very playable (on PC, a bit heavy for mobile)! Also, I found a major bug affecting Little Big Planet among others, fixing that as well. The UI now also has multi-language support, it’s in Settings->System. All these fixes are enough to motivate a new official release, so here we go – 0.7.6! It may take a few hours before it’s visible on Google Play.

“PPSSPP 0.7.6”的3个回复

  1. 当年买了psp以后只打通关了FF7CC和FC模拟器的冒险岛1……

  2. 初音總算滿幀了^^
    之前在畫面較複雜時, 還會有輕微的慢動作+音樂斷斷續續的, 現在已經完全不會了^^


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