MY NES 5.1

mynes开源FC模拟器MY NES更新到v5.1,这次号称拥有时钟级的精确度了。My NES使用C#写成,应该具备不错的可移植性,有兴趣的同学可以用来参考一下。本次升级加入了初步的网络连机功能。

Version 5.1

  • Added: Net play ability. (prototype)
  • Added: ability to show FPS and notification texts on render screen at play time.
  • Added: new video options: Keep aspect ratio, Show fps and Show notifications.
  • Improved: SlimDX renderer; now it can render video stretched in fullscreen mode.
  • Improved: the target .net framework version changed to 4.0 for compatibility with windows xp.
  • Improved: the speed limiter for more performance.
  • Improved: reduced the size of state files by using zlip compressing.
  • Fixed: SDL .NET renderer; crashes when attempting to switch to fullscreen.
  • Fixed: INES header fixer get wrong chr count number from database.
  • Fixed: when taking a snapshot, the older snap file get replaced instead of creating new one.
  • Fixed: when pressing a shortcut button (like take snapshot shortcut), the input keep executing without break.
  • Fixed: issue when loading state using the welcome window with fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed: issue when pause/resume emulation the sound muted sometimes.
  • Fixed: issue in emulation shutdown.
  • Fixed: issue when toggling the speed limiter, the sound delays.
  • Fixed: issue when attempting to load state that not exist, the emulation engine crashes.
  • Fixed: issue when attempting to load state using the Welcome Window, sometimes the emulation engine crashes.

MY NES已经具备大多数应该具备的功能,比如全功能的CPU/PPU核心,支持了几乎全部的常见mapper。大家可以自行测试一下。

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