OK~~到这个版本的My Boy!为止,所有特殊GBA卡带上自带的传感器都被基本模拟了,这次加入的是Tilt sensor(倾斜感应器),这个感应器被用在比如耀奇万有引力和旋转瓦里奥制造等游戏里。
What’s in this version:
• Tilt sensor emulation! Now ALL types of in-cartridge sensors are properly emulated.
• Added option “Lock screen orientation” (in Settings -> Input -> Cartridge features). Useful when you are playing motion-sensor enabled games.
• Added menu item “Patch game” (long pressing on a game in the game list).
• Fixed in-game save for some hacked-version games.
完整测试版大家老地方找 😀