My Boy! 1.2.2 for Android

俺春节因为到处乱窜,几乎没时间坐在电脑前面(有点时间也是在更新博客)所以,灰常不好意思,本人春节就是把以前没玩通的GBA逆转裁判1、2、3在我的山寨PSP上用各种姿势重新通了一遍。(噗~~~)用的就是这个模拟器:My Boy!

My boy!在v1.2.x更新中加入了可以自定义的全新游戏界面,还是很不错的。老地方下载!
• [core] Fixed a rotation layer render bug
• Added an option to set the fast-forward trigger mode. You can now hold down the button to start fast-forwarding, and release to stop it.
• Added a direct option linking to the current key mapping editor (since a number of users did not know how to do it).
• Fixed buggy handling of null key event.
• “Fixed” user complaints about last update
• Added “Auto rotate” in “Screen orientation” option
• A very powerful screen layout editor. You can now define the position and size for each of the on-screen controls, as well as for the game video, all done by drag-and-drop!
• Added on-screen buttons: A/B turbo, A+B, load/save/fast-forward/screenshot/menu.
• Multiple screen layout profiles.
• Make key-mapping profiles consistent with screen-layout profiles.

“My Boy! 1.2.2 for Android”的8个回复

  1. 作者很有意思,我在1.1x里给他发邮件希望加入截图,两种加速模式以及分离reset和exit,他说没必要。结果现在这些功能全有了-_-


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