这次的MESS根据HAZE的报告更新还是比较大的,SEGA SS和SONY PS的完成度在本版本中有了比较大的进步,虽然比起那些成名已久的模拟器还差好大一节,但至少也能运行几个正式发售的商业游戏了。
另外HAZE还特别提到了MESS的MD模拟部分对Sonic & Knuckles这个奇葩的合体卡的支持。大家知道Sonic & Knuckles这张卡带有一个内建的插槽(只限原版卡带哦),可以和另外一张MD卡带叠罗汉一样组合起来。如果是Sonic the Hedgehog 2/3,那么这两张卡带会组合成一个新游戏,拥有特殊的关卡和特殊的角色。这是很多模拟器都支持的一个模式。
但是如果是Sonic the Hedgehog 或者其他任何MD卡带,那么很遗憾,没有效果。只能通过同时按下A+B+C进入一个演示关卡。HAZE称目前MESS是唯一支持这个特性的模拟器。OK,我们再次膜拜 Orz。
0.148u1 ------- MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- - 05112: [Crash/Freeze] (x68k.c) x68030: Access Violation (Olivier Galibert) - 05110: [Crash/Freeze] (multi16.c) multi16: Access Violation (Olivier Galibert) - 05124: [Crash/Freeze] (pc.c) t1000rl, t1000tl2, t1000tx: Access Violation (Olivier Galibert) - 05125: [Misc.] (vidbrain.c) vidbrain: Invalid read of size 4 (Firewave) - 05126: [Misc.] (ti990_4.c) ti990_4: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) (Firewave) - 05130: [Misc.] (nc.c) all nc.c sets: Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) (Firewave) New System Drivers Supported: ----------------------------- - NEC TK85. [Robbbert, Nama] - Chunichi ND-80Z. [Robbbert, Nama] - BINBUG [Robbbert] - DG680 [Robbbert] - LZ Color64 [Dantyr] - Dynacom MX-1600 [Dantyr] Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING: --------------------------------------- (none) Skeleton drivers: ----------------- - Atari PC-3 [rfka01] Software Lists: ---------------- -prof80: Added floppy software list. [Curt Coder] -prof180: Added floppy software list. [Curt Coder] -sms.xml: Fixed banking setting for cso making it working. [Enik Land] -Added preliminary lists to MO-5, TO-7 and TO-770 [K1W1] -Added preliminary lists to Enterprise 64/128, Odyssey 2 and G-7400, Interact and Kaypro II [LoganB] -Added software lists to MZ800, Osborne 1 and Sorcerer [LoganB] -Added software list to M20 [Fabio Priuli] -Added info to Amiga ECS list [LoganB] -psx.xml: Added dump from a real manufactured pirate disk [Kaylee] -spectrum_flop.xml: Added more disks to the software list [Kaylee] -spectrum_flop.xml: added year/publisher info to the list [LoganB] -pet: Added add-on ROM software list. [Curt Coder] -msx1_cart.xml: added missing cart dumps. [Fabio Priuli] -ibm5170.xml: added 4 new dumps. [Kaylee] -pico.xml: added new Japanese dumps [TeamEurope] -tek4052: Added cartridge software list. [Curt Coder] -pico.xml: Added a few Brazilian dumps. [TeamEurope] -apple2gs.xml: Document some cracks and bad dumps [LoganB] -a800.xml: Added 3 new dumps, removed a confirmed bad dump and added more cartridge info [K1W1] -amigaaga/amigaocs.xml: Added afew more dumps from CAPS releases [Kaylee] -apfm1000.xml: Verified compatibility in some entries [Shideravan] Source Changes: ---------------- -Added Cardco CSD-1 floppy drive (C1541 clone). [Cowering] -g7400: Changed driver to use the i8244/i8245 device implementation. [Wilbert Pol] -minichief: Added WD1002A-WX1 ROM dump. [rfka01] -odyssey2, videopac: Updated drivers to use the i8244/i8245 device implementation. [Wilbert Pol] -Refactored the Commodore 1581 floppy disk drive to use the modern floppy system. Supports read-only access to D81 images. [Curt Coder] -wd_fdc: Controller remains busy until the last DRQ has been served, and the sector register can now be written more than once. [Curt Coder] -esq5505: add MIDI In capability to all of these drivers. [R. Belmont] -sms.c: Improved memory initialization on Japanese and Korean consoles. This fixes softwre list entries alibaba and blockhol. [Enik Land] -Fix non-functionality of all Apple floppy drives. [R. Belmont] -flopimg: Added support for Commodore GCR encoding. [Curt Coder] -SMC-777: enabled to show the border area in MC6845 interface, changed various video related function accordingly [Angelo Salese] -Enabled to show border area in Sharp X1, fixes Shilver Ghost gameplay and Nobunaga no Yabou error display if a single floppy is in [Angelo Salese] -Made major clean-ups to NEC PC-8801, Sharp MZ-2500, Sharp X1 and Sony SMC-777 drivers. This gives a nice speed boost to them [Angelo Salese] -BINBUG : Added full implementation of DG640 video card. Improved cassette. [Robbbert] -ESQ-1: Converted to n68681, hooked up MIDI I/O, mapped more front panel buttons [R. Belmont] -Slotify playstation controller ports [Carl] -Fix memory card and standard controller with v3 pad lib psx software [Carl] -Add Dualshock emulation [Carl] -make playstation memory cards load and save to a file [Carl] -floppy: Fixed write protected signal and added a callback for it. [Curt Coder] -PlayStation: play XA audio at the correct speed [R. Belmont] -alphasma: added keyboard input and LCD emulation. [Sandro Ronco] -PlayStation: fix sample signedness and stream rate for CDDA (redbook) audio [R. Belmont] -PlayStation: mirror main RAM, fixes Woody Woodpecker Racing [R. Belmont] -dsk_dsk: Header size obvious fix [O. Galibert] -cat.c (Canon Cat): Reverse engineered 99% of memory map including mirrors based on extensive hardware testing; Located Printer, Modem and Floppy drive registers (not yet hooked up); Added v1.74 firmware and SpellCheck ROMs. Added a lot of debugging information. [Lord Nightmare, Balrog] -cat.c (Canon Cat): Got rid of a lot of hashtag lookups; fixed the video enable bit location. Cleaned up comments a bit. More debugging stuff added. [Lord Nightmare] -cat.c (Canon cat): Added the 6ms timer and its counter. [Lord Nightmare] -cat.c (Canon Cat): implemented video invert bit, added notes about what some of the registers are called in the original source code [Lord Nightmare] -c64: Cleaned up input handling. Controllers are now connected using the slot interface, and by default a joystick in port 2 is present. [Curt Coder] -c128: Cleaned up input handling. Controllers are now connected using the slot interface, and by default a joystick in port 2 is present. [Curt Coder] -c64/c128: Implemented parallel joystick pot X/Y read. [Curt Coder] -esq5505: Use esqpanel base class for massive cleanup. [R. Belmont] -kt76: Convert to modern 68681 and add MIDI I/O.[R. Belmont] -cdi: Modernized CD-i and removed tag lookups [MooglyGuy] -cdi: Modernize MCD212 device. [MooglyGuy] -gba: Cleaned up tag usage outside of the startup path. [MooglyGuy] -vic10: Cleaned up input handling. Controllers are now connected using the slot interface, and by default a joystick in port 2 is present. [Curt Coder] -vic20: Cleaned up input handling. Controllers are now connected using the slot interface, and by default a joystick is present. [Curt Coder] -De-tagged the Apple II series drivers [R. Belmont] -pet: Added datassette slot interface. [Curt Coder] -plus4: Cleaned up input handling. Controllers are now connected using the slot interface, and by default a joystick is present. [Curt Coder] -apple2: Support generic 6850 MIDI card (Yamaha, Passport, etc). [R. Belmont] -apple2gs: Enable 6850 MIDI card. Tested in MasterTracks Pro and synthLAB. [R. Belmont] -gb.c: fixed support for Wisdom Tree games [Fabio Priuli] -isa_gus: Enabled 6850 MIDI interface with a hopefully accurate clock, and fixed a silly error with MIDI IRQs, and passes the MIDI transmit IRQ test. [Barry Rodewald] -psxanalog: add analog joystick [Carl] -SoundBlaster: MIDI Out support for single-byte, SB UART, and MPU-401 UART modes. [R. Belmont] -pet2001: Rewrote the PET 2001 series. [Curt Coder] -pet: Moved the remaining PETs to the new driver. [Curt Coder] -isa_sblaster: working SB-MIDI In (tested w/MIDI Monitor for Windows) [R. Belmont] -isa_sblaster: fully hooked up MPU-401 input and output for SB16 [R. Belmont] -megadriv.c: many updates to cart handling [Fabio Priuli] * updated carts to be slot devices * simplified loading and bankswitch mechanism * added support for real Sonic & Knuckles lock-on emulation (you can combine it freely with other carts, through the -cart2 slot which gets added automatically) * remove need for "pcb_type" feature from xml softlist, since the new "slot" feature is enough * moved SVP emulation to src/mess/ in view of conversion to a slot device as well -Properly close the old image when swapping CHD-CDs [Steve Leung] -Added minimal cassette software lists for the Commodore computers. [Curt Coder] -cat.c(Canon Cat): added another v2.40 romset dumped from two original developer's machines and made it the parent set. Lots and lots of documentation updates. [Lord Nightmare, Dwight Elvey, Sandy Bumgarner] -pet: Added user and memory expansion ports. [Curt Coder] -cbm2: Added user port. [Curt Coder] -Apple II: General modernization, some tagmap cleanup, and prep work to emulate IIe aux slot cards. [R. Belmont] -c64: Added CMD SwiftLink cartridge emulation. [Curt Coder] -c64: Added CMD Turbo232 cartridge emulation. [Curt Coder] -megadriv.c: more updates [Fabio Priuli] * implemented correct ROM mirroring, based on research by Eke & others * emulated the protection in Ya Se Chuan Shuo, promoting it to work state * fixed cart type in Blockbuster World Video Game Championship II (works for the first time in MESS) * fixed cart type in HardBall III, Barver Battle Saga and Chao Ji Da Fu Weng * added support for unusual SRAM location in HardBall 95 * fixed a few regressions introduced in the previous commit * fixed wrong driver class being used in 32x and SegaCD -gb.c: many updates to cart handling [Fabio Priuli] * updated carts to be slot devices * simplified loading and bankswitch mechanism * fixed MMM01 emulation * removed need for "mapper" feature from xml softlist, since the new "slot" feature is enough -Apple II: Another pass on tagmaps, plus preliminary emulation of the standard and extended 80-column cards for the IIe [R. Belmont] -Apple II: Support 8 meg AE RamWorks III card for IIe. [R. Belmont] -flopimg: When generating a pc layout, don't write the gap3 after the last sector [O. Galibert] -odyssey2/videopac: Improved palette. [Dr. Venom] -c64: Added support for the VizaStar cartridge. [Curt Coder] -Apple II: Fixed incorrect handling of CE00/CF00 range for expansion cards. [R. Belmont] -apple2gs: Added support for the AE Vulcan IDE controller. [R. Belmont] 最后,单机版就是奇怪,咋就没有大神把MESS移植到android呢?照理说MESS和MAME不相上下的可移植性应该可以的说~~~