牛的好似天方夜谭的安卓平台PSP模拟器更新。 初步的ARM JIT支持使得运行速度大为提升,JIT是 just-in-time compilation的意思,反正就是动态编译的一种。不过这次的ARM JIT在高通的Snapdragon CPU上会崩溃…呵呵,粮食机一代/二代躺枪啊。作者许诺说将会在0.61中修正,好在我除了粮食机还有谷歌亲亲7儿子…
作者提到现在的兼容性非常不稳定,上个版本碰巧可以动作的游戏,这个版本就会死过去。这个是模拟器开发的客观规律。同学们不用着急,一个一个会修复。可惜俺喜欢的SRW Z不知道怎么样了,那位同学同学有空去测试一下啊?呵呵。
January 27, 2012: PPSSPP 0.6 – faster and better!
Alright, it’s been a while so here’s 0.6. It has a preliminary ARM JIT which greatly boosts speed on Android and other ARM platforms, and vertex caching which likewise improves performance quite a bit. Unfortunately I still haven’t been able to fix a bug that causes the JIT not to work correctly on SnapdragonCPUs, instead it just crashes. I will fix this issue in an upcoming 0.61 release, stay tuned!
Also, a bunch of new games work but a couple have stopped working (like Mortal Kombat). These will be back, don’t worry – it’s what happens when emulators develop, sometimes when you fix things, things that worked “by accident” before breakxs until you fix another thing.
S3(4核機)親測 初音1 和 2 皆可玩.(表示相容性有進步)
開啟 JIT 之後, 初音可以在 70% 至 全速間運行.(忽快忽慢是android(或說是JAVA)的特性…無解)
速度低於全速時, 聲音會有點頓頓的.
希望下個版本可以自動抽掉畫面, 讓速度穩定.
0.6 開了 JIT 之後速度大約提升了 3 倍以上.
忘了說 魯夫薩拉達 還是一樣沒有背景音樂…orz
下面是用 S3 測試 初音未來 的視頻