Ootake v2.68

ootake目前还在活跃的PCE/PCE CD模拟器,就是这货了吧?据说已经相当精确。
话说既然已经百尺竿头难以更进一步了,索性另起炉灶写个新模拟器吧,我看PS3、Xbox360的模拟器就很有前途。 😉
Ootake v2.68 changelog:
– The movement of “6-Button Pad” was fixed. In the casino scene of “Emerald
Dragon”, the input problem was solved. In “Linda3”, the input problem (
generated by v2.67) was solved.
– The speed and timing were brought close to the movement of a real machine.
In the stage 8 demo of “Spriggan mark2”, the problem that the screen
occasionally fell into disorder (generated by a recent version) was
– Additionally, a detailed part has been improved and corrected.
+ The execution file for “Windows 98/Me” was opened to the public. The
operation test is not done. Please see “Readme98.txt” in the ZIP file
about details and notes, etc.


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