- 1.0 release note
- First BETA online !
- Free full versions are uploaded here, and will be up to date with donation version on the market (both are exactly the same applications).
- Still a lot of work to do (see todo list next)
- Should be compatible since android 2.2 (froyo, api 8), but only tested on ICS and Jelly Bean (4.0+)
- Be aware, if you say yes to download games screenshots and icons when prompted, i will take a lot of time to decompress (6500 screens, 120MB), here it can take around 20 minutes on my galaxy note !
- If you want to support my work, you can donate by buying the application on the market! :https://play.google.com/store/apps/d…mydedibox.afba
- 1.1 release note
- fix layout orientation change on rom detail view
- found a better approach for icons and screenshots handling
- improved sound output
- improved speed
- 1.2 release note (WIP)
- fixed emulator sleep/pause
- fix a bug when returning to rom list with changed orientation (tablet’s)
- fix emulator crash on start for device before 4.0 (froyo, gingerbread)
- fix layout orientation change on rom detail view -> Done in 1.1
- find a better approach to data extraction (screenshots, icons) -> Done in 1.1
- fix controls for vertical games
- fix sleep -> Done in 1.2
- ability to delete save states
- improve sound output -> in 1.1
- improve joystick vertical layout
- hardware controls
- custom on screen stick configuration