DosBox Turbo v2.0.5 for android

dosboxturbo上次有同学在求这个东东哦。DosBox Turbo v2.0是一个为安卓平台完全重写的DosBox 0.74移植版,号称拥有极佳的兼容性,以至于开发者直接把官方0.74的兼容性列表作为自己移植版的兼容性列表了。我看了一下,辐射1,地下城守护者1,暴力辛迪加,上古卷轴2匕首雨都号称完全可玩。

NOTE: If you are experiencing slow speeds, please check that your CYCLE setting is still at “AUTO”
** If you are still having issues with the new update, please send me an e-mail, it is impossible for me to respond to the comments on the Play Store.
– Fix Quake, Half-Life & 3D games relying on FPU
– Fix Stuck Tab on some devices
– Fix top border on DESI-III CAD Application
– Let user control x&y relative mouse sensitivity
– Turbo Cycles is now Faster!
Dosbox Turbo还有一个前端DosBox Manager,可以为每一个游戏建立不同的配置文件。完全测试版在老地方。

“DosBox Turbo v2.0.5 for android”的2个回复

  1. 上次好心人给了2.0.4,原以为2.0的虚拟手柄是个很大的改进,能不用gamepad插件直接像adosbox那样直接用虚拟按键玩游戏,结果折腾了半天还是不行,好不容易有四个自定义按键,但是方向键还是不能用。真不知道那个virtual joystick是干嘛用的。


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