DICE v0.5

dice骰子君( DICE:Discrete Integrated Circuit Emulator)是个仿真器,仿真了那些最早期的,不用CPU也不用ROM的街机游戏,所以这些游戏原则上是不会被收录进MAME大百科的。有一个例外,那就是Pong,史上第一个视频街机游戏,被内置在MAME当中作为纪念。所以即使你一个rom也没有,下载了MAME,你还是可以玩Pong。
DICE对系统要求很高,我在i7 2630m上满载只能跑17fps左右,天晓得这玩意的把计算能力用哪里去了!

Many new features in this version, including:
– A complete rewrite of the simulation core, now both significantly faster and more accurate than before
– New GUI, allowing configurable controls including multiple mouse and joystick support
– Improved sound
– Gotcha bug fixes
– Space Race support
– And probably more that I’ve forgotten…
DICE v0.5 Changelog:
– Two new games supported: Stunt Cycle, Pong Doubles
– Minor bug-fixes in several games


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